Otro mes y una nueva propuesta de BreadBakers, esta vez Camila de Culinary Adventures with Camilla nos hizo una propuesta ideal, panes de primavera, pascua, passover. Hace rato que quería probar esta receta y también las delicias que harán mis compañeras.
625g harina de fuerza
1 tsp sal
2 tsp mezcla de especies
45g mantequilla blanda
85g azúcar
ralladura de limón
3tsp de levadura seca ( o un sobre y medio)
1 huevo
275 ml de leche tibia
1/2 taza de pasas de uva
1/2 taza de pepitas de chocolate ( si no le ponía chocolate.... los niños reclamarían)
Para la cruz
100g harina
100 ml de agua
2 tbsp de aceite
1tbsp de golden syrup o un almíbar ligero
Tamizar la harina, la sal, las especies.
Colocar la leche tibia con la levadura, el azúcar, mezclar con el gancho amasador e incorporar el huevo batido y la mantequilla blanda. Batir. Incorporar la harina y seguir mezclando hasta obtener una masa elástica. Agregarle en ese momento las pasas y el chocolate.
Engrasar un bol con mantequilla, colocar la masa, cubrir y dejar leudar hasta que doble su tamaño.
Colocar la masa luego en una superficie enharinada. Y tomar piezas de 65g, los míos fueron de 80 pero me parecen que quedan muy grandes, por eso es mejor de 65g.
Colocar una hoja de papel de hornear en una fuente y poner los panecillos. Hay quien los prefiere redondos, que no se toquen luego o quienes prefieren que se toquen, eso va a gusto de cada uno.
Dejaremos leudar por espacio de una hora, tapados con film.
Precalentar el horno a 240º.
Hacer la mezcla para la cruz, ponemos la harina, el aceite y casi toda el agua. No la ponemos toda de entrada para que no nos quede muy liquida. Hacemos una cruz ayudándonos de una manga pastelera o una bolsa de ziplock.
Horneamos por espacio de 10 o 12 minutos. Ni bien los retiramos del fuego los pincelamos con el almíbar o el golden syrup y dejamos enfriar sobre una rejilla.
Este panecillo se come normalmente el Viernes Santo. Al día siguiente lo he tostado y queda riquísimo.
Caro :)
Another month a new proposal of Bread Bakers, this time Camilla from Culinary Adventures with Camilla made a perfect proposal, bread spring, easter, passover. For a while I wanted to try this recipe.
625g bread flour
1 tsp salt
2 tsp mixed species
45g soft butter
85g sugar
lemon zest
3 tsp dry yeast or one envelope and a half
275ml of warm milk
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 chocolate chips
For the cross
100g flour
100ml water
2tbsp oil
1 tbsp golden syrup or light syrup
Sift the flour, salt, species.
Place the warm milk with yeast, sugar, mix with dough hook and add the beaten egg and softened butter. Mix.
Add the flour and continue mixing until dough is elastic. Then add raisins and chocolate.
Grease a bowl with butter, place the dough, cover and let rise until doubled in size.
Place dough on a floured surface then. And take pieces of 65g, mine were 80 but I seem to get very large, so it is better to 65g.
Place a sheet of baking paper on a platter and put the rolls. Some people prefer them round, they do not touch then or who prefer to touch, that will taste each.
We'll let rise for an hour, covered with film.
Preheat oven to 475F
Make the mixture to the cross, put the flour, oil and most of the water. Do not put all input so it is not us very liquid. Make a Cross helping a piping bag or ziplock bag.
Bake for 10 to 12 minutes. As soon as we remove the pincelamos fire with syrup or golden syrup and let cool on a rack.
This muffin is usually eaten on Good Friday. The next day I have roasted and is delicious.
#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely bread by following our Pinterest board right here.
Links are also updated after each event on the BreadBakers home page.
We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. This month Camilla at Culinary Adventures with Camilla has chosen breads from around the world that are traditional for Easter, Passover or Springtime.
If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send an email with your blog URL to Stacy at foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com.
The LIST, in alphabetical order, to home pages. I will update HTML by 7am Pacific Time on Tuesday...
Here's our International Easter/Passover/Spring Bread Basket, in alphabetical order...
Armenian Choereg by Chef Mireille's East West Realm
Bacci's Bread by A Day in the Life on the Farm
Bobka - Polish Easter Bread by Seduction in the Kitchen
Bread Stuffed with Guava Jam by Basic N Delicious
Casatiello by Culinary Adventures with Camilla
Colomba Pasquale (Easter Dove Bread) by Cook's Hideout
Cornish Saffron Bread by Pastry Chef Online
Folar (Portuguese Easter Bread) by Passion Kneaded
Hot Cross Buns by En la Cocina de Caro
Hornazo - Spanish Easter Bread by Ruchik Randhap
Hungarian Egg Twist by Hostess at Heart
Hungarian White Bread by Magnolia Days
Individual Italian Easter Breads by Hezzi-D's Books and Cooks
Italian Easter Bread by La Cocina de Aisha
Kulich by That's My Home
Lambropsomo - Greek Easter Bread by Spice Roots
Lithuanian Easter Bread by My Catholic Kitchen
Matzo by A Shaggy Dough Story
Mennonite Paska by Food Lust People Love
Pääsiäisleipä - Finnish Easter Bread by Bakers and Best
Pane di Pasqua - Italian Easter Bread by Karen's Kitchen Stories
Spring Sweet Bread by cooking club
Strawberry Fritters by Cindy's Recipes and Writings
Tsoureki (Greek Easter Bread) by Simply Veggies
Caro :)