
National Homemade Bread Day #BreadBakers

17 de noviembre Día del pan casero y para esta fecha un pain tordu. Y como su nombre lo dice es un pan torcido, pues debemos hacer una torción luego de formarlos y antes de hornear.

#Bread bakers es un grupo al que nos gusta hornear pan, nos juntamos una vez al mes con un ingrediente común, puedes seguir nuestro tablero de Pinterest aquí, y en nuestra página principal el reto está actualizado todos los meses aquí
Si eres un food blogger y quieres unirte, solo debes enviar un email con el URL de tu blog a foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com.
Para este día  la anfitriona  es Lauren Mitchell. Gracias Lauren por tu trabajo :)!

15g de levadura fresca o 7g de levadura seca
30cl de agua tibia
10g de sal fina
500g de harina normal ( con una proteína que va de 9 a 11%)
50g de harina adicional para trabajar la masa

En un cuenco disolver la levadura con 5cl de agua tibia.
En una ensaladera o bol grande, pondremos la sal, la harina, el agua restante y la levadura diluída.
Mezclamos hasta obtener una masa homogénea.
Amasamos sobre una superficie de trabajo firme, hasta que la masa esté brillante y suave.  Regresamos la masa a la ensaladera y tapamos con film plástico y dejamos levar por espacio de 30 minutos.
Dividimos la masa en dos y hacemos dos cilindros y estos los cortamos por la mitad, de esta forma tendremos 4 panes. Yo los hago del ancho de mi fuente.
Dejamos reposar 15 minutos. Espolvoreamos un poco de harina por arriba y pasado este tiempo torcemos el pan sobre sí mismo como si quisiera escurrir la masa :)
Colocar los panes torcidos en una fuente de horno sobre papel , cubrir con un paño y dejar leudar por espacio de una hora, hora y media.
Precalentar el horno a 240ºC y hornear por 30 minutos.

Caro :)

Echa un vistazo al resto de #Breadbakers  ; Check out what the rest of the #Breadbakers 

November 17th Day of homemade bread  tordu pain . And as the name says is a twisted bread , because we make a twisting after and before baking

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely bread by following our Pinterest board right here  Links are also updated after each event on the BreadBakers home page. here
If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send an email with your blog URL to foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com.
We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. 

This day the hostess is Lauren Mitchell. thanks Lauren :)!

15g 7g fresh yeast or 9g dry yeast
30cl of warm water
10g of salt
500g plain flour ( with a protein which is from 9 to 11%)
50g extra flour to knead the dough

In a  small bowl dissolve yeast in warm water 5cl .
In a bowl or large bowl , will put the salt, flour, remaining water and the diluted yeast.
Mix until dough is smooth .
Knead on a stable work surface until the dough is shiny and smooth. We return the dough to the bowl and cover with plastic wrap and let rise for 30 minutes .
Divide the dough in half and make two rolls and they cut them in half, thus we will have 4 loaves . I make them as wide as my pan.
Let stand 15 minutes. Sprinkle a little flour on top and after this time we turn the bread over himself as if to drain the dough :)
Place the twisted breads on a baking paper , cover with a cloth and let rise for about an hour, hour and a half .

Preheat oven to 240 and bake for 30 minutes

This is a special month. Not only is November a month for thanks and giving, but it's also a month where the #BreadBakers are sharing two times in one month! November 17th is National Homemade Bread Day and well since we're #BreadBakers we just had to celebrate! Our usual posts are themed, but for this one we we let our creative shine so there's a little bit of everything from bagels to rolls to buns to muffins and quick breads; we've got a pretty diverse line-up for you! So I hope you enjoy and are inspired to bake some homemade bread today on this National Holiday! 

I hope you enjoy our love of bread just as much as we do on this National Homemade Bread Day as you browse through these 10+ new recipes!

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme.  Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send me an email with your blog URL to foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com

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